var wptDate = (function ($) { var _tempConditions, _tempField, is_datepicker_style_loaded = false; function init(parent, options) { if ( typeof $.fn.datepicker === "function" ) { $('input.js-wpt-date', $(parent)).each(function (index) { if (!$(this).hasClass('hasDatepicker')) { if($(this).attr('id').indexOf('cred_form') != -1){ if(typeof(options) !== 'undefined' && options.hasOwnProperty('source') && options.source == 'cred_form_ready_init'){ wptDate.add($(this)); } }else{ wptDate.add($(this)); } }else{ //Load the datepicker stylesheet if the field is already initialized wptDate.maybeLoadDatepickerStyle(); } }); } $(document).on('click', '.js-wpt-date-clear', function () { var thiz = $(this), thiz_close, el, el_aux, el_select; if (thiz.closest('.js-wpt-field-item').length > 0) { thiz_close = thiz.closest('.js-wpt-field-item'); el_aux = thiz_close.find('.js-wpt-date-auxiliar'); el = thiz_close.find('.js-wpt-date'); el_select = thiz_close.find('select'); } else if (thiz.closest('.wpt-repctl').length > 0) { thiz_close = thiz.closest('.wpt-repctl'); el_aux = thiz_close.find('.js-wpt-date-auxiliar'); el = thiz_close.find('.js-wpt-date'); el_select = thiz_close.find('select'); } else if (thiz.closest('.js-wpt-field-items').length > 0) { thiz_close = thiz.closest('.js-wpt-field-items'); el_aux = thiz_close.find('.js-wpt-date-auxiliar'); el = thiz_close.find('.js-wpt-date'); el_select = thiz_close.find('select'); } else { // This should be an empty object, but as we use the variable later we need to set it el_aux = thiz.closest('.js-wpt-field-items'); el = thiz.closest('.js-wpt-date'); el_select = thiz.closest('select'); } //Added trigger('wptDateSelect'); fix trigger validation and condition on click of clear el_aux.val('').trigger('change').trigger('wptDateSelect'); el.val(''); el_select.val('0'); thiz.hide(); }); } function add(el) { // Before anything, return if this is readonly if (el.hasClass('js-wpv-date-readonly')) { if (!el.hasClass('js-wpv-date-readonly-added')) { el.addClass('js-wpv-date-readonly-added').after('' + wptDateData.readonly + ''); } return; } // First, a hacky hack: make the id of each el unique, because the way they are produced on repetitive date fields does not ensure it var rand_number = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 150), old_id = el.attr('id'); el.attr('id', old_id + '-' + rand_number); // Walk along, nothing to see here... wptDate.maybeLoadDatepickerStyle(); return el.datepicker({ onSelect: function (dateText, inst) { // The el_aux element depends on the scenario: backend or frontend var el_close, el_aux, el_clear; el.val(''); if (el.closest('.js-wpt-field-item').length > 0) { el_close = el.closest('.js-wpt-field-item'); el_aux = el_close.find('.js-wpt-date-auxiliar'); el_clear = el_close.find('.js-wpt-date-clear'); } else if (el.closest('.wpt-repctl').length > 0) { el_close = el.closest('.wpt-repctl'); el_aux = el_close.find('.js-wpt-date-auxiliar'); el_clear = el_close.find('.js-wpt-date-clear'); } else if (el.closest('.js-wpt-field-items').length > 0) { el_close = el.closest('.js-wpt-field-items'); el_aux = el_close.find('.js-wpt-date-auxiliar'); el_clear = el_close.find('.js-wpt-date-clear'); } else { // This should be an empty object, but as we use the variable later we need to set it el_aux = el.closest('.js-wpt-field-items'); el_clear = el.closest('.js-wpt-date-clear'); } var data = 'date=' + dateText; data += '&date-format=' + wptDateData.dateFormatPhp; data += '&action=wpt_localize_extended_date'; $.post(wptDateData.ajaxurl, data, function (response) { if (typeof ( response ) === 'string' || response instanceof String) { response = window.JSON.parse( response ); } if (el_aux.length > 0) { el_aux.val(response['timestamp']).trigger('wptDateSelect'); } el.val(response['display']); el_clear.css('display', 'inline-block'); //Fix adding remove label on date el.prev('small.wpt-form-error').remove(); }); //el.trigger('wptDateSelect'); }, showOn: "both", buttonImage: wptDateData.buttonImage, buttonImageOnly: true, buttonText: wptDateData.buttonText, dateFormat: 'ddmmyy', //dateFormat: wptDateData.dateFormat, //altFormat: wptDateData.dateFormat, changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: wptDateData.yearMin + ':' + wptDateData.yearMax, beforeShow: function(input) { } }); } function ajaxConditional(formID, conditions, field) { _tempConditions = conditions; _tempField = field; wptCallbacks.conditionalCheck.add(wptDate.ajaxCheck); } function ajaxCheck(formID) { wptCallbacks.conditionalCheck.remove(wptDate.ajaxCheck); wptCond.ajaxCheck(formID, _tempField, _tempConditions); } function ignoreConditional(val) { if ('' == val) { return '__ignore_negative'; } return val; //return Date.parse(val); } function bindConditionalChange($trigger, func, formID) { $trigger.on('wptDateSelect', func); //var lazy = _.debounce(func, 1000); //$trigger.on('keyup', lazy); return false; } function triggerAjax(func) { if ($(this).val().length >= wptDateData.dateFormatPhp.length) func(); } function maybeLoadDatepickerStyle() { // @note the handle for this used to be wptoolset-field-datepicker if ( ! is_datepicker_style_loaded ) { if ( document.getElementById( 'js-toolset-datepicker-style' ) ) { is_datepicker_style_loaded = true; } else { var head = document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0], link = document.createElement( 'link' ); = 'js-toolset-datepicker-style'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = wptDateData.datepicker_style_url; = 'all'; head.appendChild( link ); is_datepicker_style_loaded = true; } } } return { init: init, add: add, ajaxConditional: ajaxConditional, ajaxCheck: ajaxCheck, ignoreConditional: ignoreConditional, bindConditionalChange: bindConditionalChange, triggerAjax: triggerAjax, maybeLoadDatepickerStyle: maybeLoadDatepickerStyle }; })(jQuery); jQuery(function () { wptDate.init('body'); }); //Init date fields after CRED form is ready jQuery(document).on('cred_form_ready', function( evt, form_data ){ wptDate.init("#" + form_data.form_id, { source: 'cred_form_ready_init' }); }); if ('undefined' != typeof (wptCallbacks)) { wptCallbacks.reset.add(function (parent) { wptDate.init(parent); }); wptCallbacks.addRepetitive.add(wptDate.init); } //add_action('conditional_check_date', wptDate.ajaxConditional, 10, 3); if ('function' == typeof (add_filter)) { add_filter('conditional_value_date', wptDate.ignoreConditional, 10, 1); } if ('function' == typeof (add_action)) { add_action('conditional_trigger_bind_date', wptDate.bindConditionalChange, 10, 3); }